Ankle Sprain injury treatment

Ankle Sprain Injury Treatment

It is one of the most common injuries of the lower extremity. An awkward movement could cause damage to the ligaments supporting the ankle. At times, the sprain could be mild so that the pain quickly fades away and at other times the sprain could be more severe, that the ankle might swell and it might hurt too much to stand on it. If it’s a severe sprain, you might have felt a “POP” when the injury happened. Get effective ankle sprain injury treatment and physiotherapy in Mississauga. Our expert physiotherapists will provide personalized care to help you recover and get back on your feet.

A sprained ankle means one or more ligaments on the sides of your ankle were stretched or torn. If a sprain is not treated properly, you could have long-term problems. Typically, the ankle is rolled either inward (inversion sprain) or outward (eversion sprain). Inversion sprains cause pain along the outer side of the ankle and are the most common type. Pain along the inner side of the ankle may represent a more serious injury to the tendons or to the ligaments that support the arch.

Ankle Joint

Ankle is a large joint made up of three bones. 

1.The Shin bone (Tibia).

2. The thinner bone running next to the Tibia is the Fibula.

3.The foot bone that sits above the heel bone (Talus).

The ankle joint allows up and down movements of the foot. The subtalar joint that sits below the ankle joint allows the side to side movements.

Stability of the ankle depends on the integrity of the structures surrounding it and that includes the ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

Sprain: Different degrees I,II,III depending on the severity of the ligaments involved. Grade III being full tear. 

Ankle Sprain Injury Treatment

Commonly involved ligaments:

1.ATFL (Anterior Talofibular ligament).

2.Lateral collateral ligaments (outside of the ankle).

3.Deltoid ligaments (Inside of the ankle).

Types of sprain:

Inversion (Turned in)

Eversion (Turned out)

Signs and symptoms:

  • Pain.
  • Swelling.
  • Inability to stand or walk on the affected foot.
  • Stiffness.
  • Weakness and a feeling of instability in the ankle joint. 

Diagnosis: Ligament testing, ultrasound, MRI.

Initially, treatment in the first 48 to 72 hours consists of resting the ankle, icing 15 to 20 minutes every two to three hours, compressing with an ACE wrap, and elevating, which means positioning the leg and ankle so that the toes are above the level of the patient’s nose. Those patients who cannot bear weight are better treated in a removable walking boot and crutches until they can comfortably bear weight.

Physiotherapy management: The goal would be

1.Pain relief: Using IFC, Ice, heat, Ultrasound, Laser, Ankle brace, crutches.

2. Increase range of motion: Manual therapy to improve tissue flexibility and mobility in the joint. 

3.Increase strength: Progressive strengthening program.  

4.Increase balance, proprioception and endurance. 

5. Gait training.

6.Return back to functional activities. 

7. Agility training if appropriate and as needed.

Physiotherapy treatment depends on the stages of recovery and they are as below. Usually an ankle sprain takes 6 weeks up to a period of 4 months depending on the severity of the injury.  

1. Maximum protection phase: Goal is to reduce pain, decrease swelling.

2. Moderate protection phase: Goal to improve mobility, improve strength, and gait training. 

3. Minimal protection phase: Advance level of exercises where the goal is to improve endurance, strength, agility and back to functional level.

Get effective ankle sprain injury treatment and professional physiotherapy. Recover and get back on your feet with our specialized care.