Physiotherapy for skiing injuries

Physiotherapy for Skiing Injuries

Embarking on the exhilarating journey down the slopes is a passion shared by many,
yet the risk of skiing injuries can pose challenges to both seasoned enthusiasts and
novices alike. At Curezone Physiotherapy Clinic, we understand the unique demands
skiing places on the body and are committed to providing personalized and expert
solutions to ensure a safe and injury-free skiing experience.
Skiing injuries encompass a spectrum of challenges, from the acute impact of falls to
the overuse strains that can accumulate over time. Common injuries include:

Sprains and Strains:

Sudden twists or falls can lead to ligament sprains or muscle strains, affecting the
knees, shoulders, or back.
Our skilled physiotherapists employ hands-on manual therapy, targeted passive release
stretches, and active release techniques to alleviate pain and restore optimal function.

Specialized Maitland & Mulligan mobilization ensures precise joint adjustments, and
suction cupping may be applied for enhanced blood circulation and accelerated healing.

Fractures and Dislocations:

High-speed collisions or awkward landings may result in fractures or dislocations, often
involving the extremities.
We integrate hands-on manual therapy, passive release stretches, and active release
techniques for effective pain management and accelerated recovery. Advanced
modalities like shockwave & laser therapy enhance the healing process, promoting
quicker and more comprehensive results.

Snowboarder’s Ankle:

A particular concern for snowboarders, involving a sprain or fracture of the talus bone in
the ankle due to excessive dorsiflexion.
Our physiotherapists implement hands-on manual therapy, tailored passive release
stretches, and active release techniques to address the unique challenges of
Snowboarder’s Ankle. Maitland & Mulligan mobilization ensures precise adjustments,
and shockwave & laser therapy contribute to efficient healing.

Skier’s Thumb:

Injury to the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb, often caused by falling with a ski pole
in hand.
Comprehensive care includes hands-on manual therapy, specialized passive release
stretches, and active release techniques. Assisted banded exercises may be
recommended to enhance recovery and prevent future issues.


Rapid acceleration or deceleration during a fall can lead to whiplash injuries, affecting
the neck and upper back.
Our physiotherapists employ hands-on manual therapy, targeted passive release
stretches, and active release techniques to address whiplash injuries. Balance testing
and compound body movements with kettlebells and body blades contribute to a holistic

Knee Ligament Injuries:

Sudden changes in direction or high-impact collisions can result in injuries to the knee
ligaments, such as the ACL or MCL.
We focus on hands-on manual therapy, specialized passive release stretches, and
active release techniques to manage knee ligament injuries. Strengthening and

conditioning exercises, along with shockwave & laser therapy, are integrated for optimal

Our experienced physiotherapists at Curezone employ a comprehensive range of
treatment strategies, precisely tailored to each skier’s unique needs. Through a
thorough assessment, we pinpoint the extent and nature of the injury, identifying specific
affected muscles, joints, or ligaments for a precise diagnosis.
This personalized approach empowers skiers with the knowledge and tools needed for
a resilient and enjoyable skiing experience. Trust Curezone for expert physiotherapy
care that supports your passion for skiing and ensures you’re ready to embrace every
turn and descent safely. Get back on the slopes with us – where your skiing journey
meets expert physiotherapy excellence.

Immediate Help through Physiotherapy for Skiing Injuries:

If you are injured while skiing, click below to book an appointment with one of our expert physiotherapists to let us immediately start assisting you in getting you back into your game.


Physiotherapy Clinic Mississauga – Curezone Physiotherapy, Heartland Mississauga.

Physiotherapy Clinic Erin Mills – Curezone Physiotherapy, Erin Mills Mississauga.


Physiotherapy Clinic Oakville – Curezone Physiotherapy, Burloak Oakville.