Exercising During an Injury and Post Injury

Exercising During an Injury and Post Injury 

Why Warm – Up: The ultimate goal of a warm up is to reach the point known as the competition zone or the zone where the athlete is most warm and ready to complete their sport.  For individuals who are not regularly training or participating in activities to reach their competition zone does not take very long however, for an advanced level athlete it takes a little while longer simply because their muscle activation and neural prep takes longer to activate.  Warming – up is very important as it increases core temperature, improves muscle elasticity, increases metabolic rate, increases neural conduction and increases mental preparedness. 

There are many different types of warm ups, these include general; which are large muscle oriented and the goal is to increase body temp, specific; which is to enhance neural activity, preparation and the goal is to include movements part of your sport.  There is another way of warming up that is known and Passive warm ups include the use of clothing and heat modalities to warm the body up. 

Exercises with the Physiotherapist (During an Injury) 

The steps for injury rehabilitation take a long time depending on the injury sustained.  Many common injuries include lower back injuries, rotator cuff injuries, foot and ankle injuries, wrist and elbow injuries and knee injuries.  Some exercises that will be completed with the physical therapist are as follows: *(These are samples and exercises will differ based on injury) *

     Wrist and Hand 

     – Mostly using finger grips at different resistances, putty grip exercises, wrist flexion/extension exercises with a theraband and wax 

     Rotator Cuff Exercises (Shoulder) 

Exercise OrderExercises Set 1Set 2 Set 3 Rest 
1Shoulder Retractions 10101015s
2Shoulder Rows10101015s
3Shoulder Abduction 10101015s
4Shoulder Flexion 10101015s
5Shoulder External Rotation10101015s

     Lower Back Exercises 

Exercise OrderExercises Set 1Set 2 Set 3 Rest 
1Bird Dog 30s (per side)30s p/s15s
2Superman 30s30s15s
3Glute Bridge 1 min hold 15s
4Glute Bridge on Ball1015s
5Planks 30s 15s

     Foot and Ankle Exercises 

     – Exercises will be completed on wobble boards, bosu balls, theraband steps, step up boards and pro stretch pedals.  Bikes and treadmills are also used 

     Knee Exercises 

Sample Warm Up (Post Injury) 

Warm UpExercisesSet 1Set 2Set 3RPERest Tempo
1Powerband Eagle10PS15s
2Powerband Quad10PS15s
3Powerband Hip Extension 10PS15s
4Jog2 Minutes530s
5Walk Lunge10 M10 M530s 
6Lawn Mowers10 M10 M15s
7Jump Squats 555530s X

Sample Workout Exercises (Post Injury Lower body)

WorkoutExercises Set 1Set 2 Set 3 RPE Rest Tempo Comments 
A1Depth Jumps33330sXPlyometric
B1Banded Squat Jumps55530sXPlyometric
C1Back Squats10101061min2:0:1:0Complex Full Body
D1RDL10101061min2:0:1:0Hinge Movement 
D2Step Downs6PS6PS6PS62:0:1:0Quad
E1Lying Ham Curl10101061min2:0:2:0Hamstring

Why is Exercising Important? 

     Physical activity completed 30 mins a day for 5 days a week has been proven to greatly improve the overall health of people.  Exercising can improve health and reduce the risk of developing Non communicable diseases like; CVD, Obesity and Diabetes.  Being physically active can provide immediate long-term effects and improve the quality of life of individuals.  In a physiotherapy setting conducting and completing exercise’s main goal is to strengthen the area around the joint to help provide stabilization so the risk of re-injuring the muscle or joint is low.  Strengthening joints and muscles also increase flexibility and as people age it will reduce the risk of falls.    

Why Cool Down? 

     Cooling down after an exercise will help reduce fatigue and soreness, aid in muscle recovery, facilitate muscle relaxation and enhance flexibility.  This is normally 10-20 mins after an exercise and would include static and dynamic stretches.  There are other recovery aids to cool down here are some but are not limited to; massages, ice baths, cooling packs, hot/cold showers etc.…