Neurological Disorders and physiotherapy

Neurological Disorders and Physiotherapy

Multiple Sclerosis [MS] is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system and can affect all ages but typically resides in individuals falling between 20-40.  Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for MS, however, there are medications that an individual can take that will help manage the symptoms associated with the disease and help increase recovery time from MS attacks.  A list of symptoms for MS consist of but are not limited to Numbness or weak feeling in 1 or more limbs in one side of the body, Lhermitte sign (electric shock sensation occurring as a result or some neck movement), Lack of coordination, tremor, unsteady gait, Vision problems such as: full/partial vision loss in one eye, double vision, blurry vision, Fatigue, Dizziness, Tingling in parts of body.  Causes of Multiple Sclerosis are idiopathic which means there is no known cause. 

Epidemiological factors that researches say could play a role in MS is if an individual is predisposed to a certain environmental agent before puberty. An example of this would be a lack of sunlight which causes lower levels of vitamin D which is an important vitamin in immune system support. Finally, genetics may contribute to the possible cause of MS as the disease itself is not inherited but the risk factor of developing the disease.  if an athlete is suffering from dizziness, and vision problems it is possible the cause is taking a direct hit within their respective sport, however, if the same athlete has been previously diagnosed with EBV, MS should be taken into consideration.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a rare condition that affects the legs, feet and limbs causing weakness and pain.  If a person has this syndrome, they are expected to make a successful recovery although it can be very serious.  It affects people of all ages but it more commonly affects adult males.  This syndrome will develop over hours or days and tend to start in your feet and hands before spreading to your arms and legs. The symptoms of this syndrome are; numbness, pain, weakness in the limbs and balance and coordination exercises.  This syndrome affects the body bilaterally meaning both sides of the body are affected at the same time. If an athlete notices numbness or lower limb pain while playing a sport they are to immediately let their coach or the medical team know.  If an athlete has trouble speaking, breathing, swallowing or the inability to move their limbs they are to be rushed to the hospital immediately. 

This syndrome is thought to be a problem of the immune system as the immune system begins attacking and damaging nerves.  The most common way a person can get this syndrome is if they had a recent infection like flus, food poisoning, HIV, Epstein Barr Virus, Zika Virus as well as if individuals were recently vaccinated for any of the disease, illnesses or viruses.  Most people recover from this syndrome and others develop long term health problems that require assistance from physiotherapists, nurses or counsellors.  There are other diseases that can mimic GBS; these illnesses and diseases are Lyme disease, Arsenic poisoning, Tick paralysis and Critical illness myopathy/neuropathy.